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Savoring the Word

On Prayerful Faith - Filled reading (lectio divina)
Savoring the Word is a brief introduction to lectio divina, also known as prayerful or faith-filled reading. The first part deals with lectio divina as discussed at the Synod of the Word and in the exhortation Verbum Domini, its history, definition, description, and practice in various ecclesial contexts. The second part proposes three examples of practicing lectio divina: one is taken from the Old Testament (Ezek 37:1-14) and the other two are from the New Testament (Matt 25:31-46 and Phil 3:2-14). In the third part, the text of the Letter of Guigo the Carthusian to his brother Gervase about the Contemplative Life is presented in its entirety.

The book is the result of the authors participation as an expert in the 12th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church (2008), of her reading of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini, and finally, of her experience in the field of biblical ministry.
Precio sin IVA: 11,88 €
Precio con IVA: 12,36 €

- Disponible -

Código EVD1901013
Tamaño140 x 210 mm
EncuadernaciónRústica, cosida, tapa plastificada brillo
24/10/2018 New Testament Abstracts Ver reseña

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