Linda Hogan
Linda Hogan es catedrática de Ecumenismo en Trinity College, Dublín. Sus principales áreas de investigación son la ética intercultural e interreligiosa, la ética social y política, los derechos humanos y el género.
- "The Role of Religion in Building Political Communities" en Cranmer, Hill, Kenny y Sandberg (eds.), The Confluence of Law and Religion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Keeping Faith with Human Rights (Georgetown: Georgetown University Press 2015).
- Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church (Orbis Press: Maryknoll 2014), editada con Agbonkhianmghe Orobator
- "Visioning Ecumenics as Intercultural, Interreligious, and Public Theology" (con John May), From World Mission to Inter-religious Witness. Concilium 2011/1.
- "Human Rights and the Politics of Universality", Louvain Studies 35 (2011) 181-199.
- "The Clerical Sex Abuse Crisis: Ireland and Beyond", Theological Studies 72 (1), 2011.
- "Mixed Reception: Paul VI and John Paul II on Sex and War", en James Corkery y Thomas Worcester (eds.), The Papacy Since 1500 From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
- "Rahner and the Theologies of Liberation", en Padraic Conway y Fainche Ryan (eds.), Karl Rahner Theologian for the Twenty-first Century (Bern: Peter Lang, 2010).
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